Chapman Bros. Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning Garbage Disposals

Garbage Disposal Repair & installation in Union County

Handling All Your Home Garbage Disposal Needs in New Jersey

Having a garbage disposal may not be a necessity, but once you have one you will have no idea how you lived without one for so long. The good news is that our experts here at Chapman Bros. Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning can provide you with garbage disposal repair or installation in Union County and beyond.

Give us a call at (908) 356-5143 or fill out an online request form to schedule an appointment with us today!

Can You DIY Garbage Disposal Repair?

The problem with garbage disposal repairs is that too many homeowners think this is the type of thing that they can take care of on their own or, just as poor a decision, let someone handle who lacks the proper professional credentials. 

A garbage disposal can be a useful appliance but can also be a danger if something should go wrong. Incidents with garbage disposals lead to finger and hand injuries and even accidental amputations each year.

 This is not the type of appliance that you want to take chances with. Anytime you are going to attempt to retrieve anything, make it a point to disconnect the power and utilize pliers or tongs. Better yet, call in one of our experts to handle the job for you.

Signs of Improper Garbage Disposal Installation

One of the biggest problems with garbage disposals is that many people have them installed improperly and don't even notice, at least not at first. Leaks and other issues finally alert you to the issue, but not before extensive damage may already have occurred. If you have water or trash leaks, this can cause a lot of damageā€”a lot of expensive damage. Don't take chances when it comes to the level of quality work that goes into your home, including an appliance as important as your garbage disposal.

If it involves your garbage disposal, it should be handled by one of our pros. From removing a piece of metal that may have ended up lodged in there to fixing leaks to replacing your old disposal with a new one, we can provide you with the very best services.

How Long Do Garbage Disposals Last?

A proper working garbage disposal has an average life expectancy of 10 years before needing to be replaced. Garbage disposals need maintenance and cleaning to ensure a decade long lifespan. There is the possibility that a garbage disposal will go out before the 10 years is up. Luckily there are telltale signs that indicate a replacement is necessary.

Signs You Need a New Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are a fantastic modern fixture in many kitchens. The are fantastic tools used to prevent clogging in your sink and and damage to your pipes. Unfortunately, like any appliance, garbage disposals don't last forever and do wear down over time. Here are some telltale signs you need a garbage disposal replacement:

  • Unusual Noises - Garbage disposals are made up of moving parts. Due to these moving parts any time a new noise pops up it can be an indicator of a serious problem. Shine a flashlight down the drain to ensure there is nothing stuck in the unit. Sometimes a small dish or a piece of silverware can find it's way down there. If there is nothing in the drain and the garbage disposal continues to make noises, it's time to call a professional
  • Lingering Bad Smells - Odors are not typically a problem with garbage disposals when they are thoroughly rinsed and cleaned out. There are instances where stubborn particles get trapped in the garbage disposal unit that refuse to come out. When this happens it leaves bad odors that tend to stay. This becomes more common with older garbage disposals
  • Garbage Disposal Won't Turn On - This is a clear sign of something wrong with the unit. The first thing homeowners should do when this happens is press the reset button on the garbage disposal. If that doesn't work the next troubleshooting step would be to check the circuit breaker. If neither of these fix the problem, a garbage disposal repair plumber is needed to diagnose the problem.
  • Frequent Resets - If you are finding you need to press the reset button frequently, your garbage disposal is on it's last leg. Pressing the reset button is something that should rarely occur.

Contact Us Today

When you are in need of a professional plumber for your garbage disposal installation or repair needs, then only the best will do. This means calling on our plumbing services team here at Chapman Bros. Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning to get the job taken care of. We have been providing local customers with the best in garbage disposal repairs and installation work since first starting back in 1932. Today, the tradition continues as we keep on offering our customers the best in workmanship and customer service.

If you need garbage disposal repairs or installation services in Union County, please contact us at (908) 356-5143!

See What They Have to Say Helping Our Customers Since 1932

  • “Superior Professionals led by Tom Swick who analyzed and installed a high quality, very effective and efficient gas fired steam boiler system.” - Mike B.
  • “I'm so happy and satisfied I called Chapman Bros!” - CH
  • “I am very grateful for the prompt and professional plumbing services provided by Chapman Bros. Plumbing” - Cecelia M
  • “John provided great service and along with a great attitude!” - MARYANN M
  • “So happy I called Chapman Bros. Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning” - JOHN L
  • “Responded quickly and his service and demeanor were awesome.” - MARC L
  • “Once again I could not be more satisfied” - ELIZABETH S
  • “I was so pleased with not only the work, but the entire experience.” - RACHEL M

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